1.Jim Hawkins – (Aged 12 – 16 years, male) – A likeable young man, brave and courageous, very adventurous, high spirited and polite.
2. Long John Silver – (Male) An evil pirate, sly and devious, arrogant and confident he is the main baddie, but for long spells he pretends to be good so he must come across as a nice guy at times. He must have a strong pirate accent. (Singing)
***Long John Silver has only one leg the other is a wooden support. Wexford Pantomime Society (086 1722590) have a wooden leg and crutch with supports and straps for this production. It is available to rent.
3. Julie – (Male or female) – One of Jim’s aunts, these are the dames, Julie is a very cranky and angry woman who is constantly giving out or giving orders. (Singing)
4. Jilie – (Male or female) – Jim’s other aunt and the other half of this double act. A likeable lady, happy and stupid, is nice to everyone the opposite of her sister. (Singing)
5. Roger – (Male or female) – Jolly and Roger are the comedy pirate double act they work for Long John and while technically being baddies are not really that bad. Roger is the leader and is slightly more intelligent than Jolly. (Singing)
6. Jolly – (Male or female) – The other half. Is not as smart as Roger. These two must bounce off each other. Both very funny, friendly characters. Will have a lot of audience interaction etc. (Singing)
7. Black Betty – (Female) – A very bad pirate, the strong silent type. Very evil and an excellent fighter and swords woman. She is basically Long John’s hired bodyguard. (Non-singing)
8. Squire Trelawney – (Male) – The Squire owns the ship they go on. He is a wealthy, eccentric English man whose best friend is his teddy bear named Mr. Squiggles; He is scared of his own shadow. (Singing)
9. Caroline – (Female) – The Squires beautiful daughter, (The romantic lead) she is lovely, friendly, intelligent, everything a romantic lead should be. (Singing)
10. Captain Smollett – (Male) – The Captain is not very nautical. In fact he thinks he is a captain from Star Trek. He is very confident but very stupid, thinks he’s a great leader but in fact doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. (Singing)
11. Samuel Arrow – (Male) – Sam is the first mate but in fact spends most of his time correcting the captain and cleaning up his messes. He is our hero, strong, brave and intelligent, he is the perfect man for Caroline. (Singing)
12. Ben Gunn – (Male) – Ben has been stranded on Skull Island for years. He has set up a Tropical nightclub and is the manager, he is very cool and confident. Possibly an American. Only appears in act two. (Singing optional)
13. Captain Hook – (Male) – Only appears in one scene. He is as in Peter Pan, well-spoken English pirate. (Non-singing)
14. Jack Sparrow – (Male) – Only appears in one scene. He is as in Pirates of the Caribbean, not so well spoken English pirate. (Non – singing)