Rapunzel and the League of Princesses - Synopsis

Let’s hear it for the girls!

This is a story that has never been told before but is ready to explode into the world today! The story of three Princesses, we think we all know, that are ripping up their traditional fairy stories and writing a new one for the ages!

Our story begins with us meeting the beautiful and elegant Glimmer, our panto fairy and friend.  

“Say Hello Glimmer!!!”

She tells us the tale of a King and Queen who were so desperate to have a child that they went to an evil witch named Gothel and made a deal that would see them blessed with twins! 

“She was doing a two for one offer!” 

But they would have to hand over their first born. Yes their daughter Rapunzel, the one the show is named after has been taken away as a baby by the evil witch Gothel.

 “Which Gothel?”

Now on the occasion of the twin’s birthday her brother Lance vows to go into the Deep Dark Woods…

“That is a gathering of wood that is very dark and deep hence it’s known as the deep dark woods.”

…to track down his missing sister and aided by his best friend Sam they set off on the adventure of a lifetime.  

In the woods we see that Rapunzel, who is now eighteen too, strangely enough, has no interest in becoming evil like her adopted Mother and is locked back in her tower to reconsider her Mother’s offer. 

We soon realise that these woods are in fact littered with Princesses as we meet Snow White, a tough talking, no messing girl who has had enough of people trying to kill her and is standing up for herself and Cinderella who is not so tough and needs a little more support with her survival techniques. She is also hotly pursued by Prince Charming and his Aide Dandini as she has just fled from the Royal Ball.  

Gothel furious by her adopted daughters rejection has decided that all fairy stories must be destroyed.

 “There will be no happy ever afters on my watch”.

She has enlisted the help of three Goblins, Slugger, Scratchit and Sniff and when they capture the two young princes it’s up to Sam and Dandini to rescue them. Luckily they are not alone though because when Snow White meets Cinderella they team up and rescue Rapunzel and together they form – 


So watch out Gothel cause theses Princesses have had enough and are out to shape their own destiny. 

Sit back relax and enjoy a never before seen Panto adventure as Rapunzel, Snow White and Cinderella swing to the rescue in –  Rapunzel and The League of Princesses! 

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